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Annual Review of Employment Cases Speaking Engagements

The Pasadena Bar Association has asked Andrew H. Friedman and Tony Oncidi of Proskauer to reprise their famous “Annual Review of Employment Cases” for the Labor and Employment Law Section. That presentation will take place on January 12, 2022. During their presentation, Mr. Friedman and Mr. Oncidi will cover the top employment law cases from the past year, with an emphasis on the cases of greatest utility to employment law practitioners. Mr. Friedman and Mr. Oncidi have been providing their annual update of employment law cases to the California legal community – up and down the state – for more than a decade including to the following bar associations and organizations: The Alameda County Bar Association, the Beverly Hills Bar Association, the California Lawyers Association, the Employment Round Table of Southern California, the Los Angeles County Bar Association, the Pasadena Bar Association, the Santa Clara County Bar Association, the Santa Monica Bar Association, and the State Bar of California. As soon as more information about this presentation becomes available, it will be posted here.

The Beverly Hills Bar Association has also asked Andrew H. Friedman and Tony Oncidi of Proskauer to reprise their famous “Annual Review of Employment Cases” for the Labor and Employment Law Section. That presentation will take place on January 24, 2022. For more information about this presentation and to register, go to https://www.tfaforms.com/forms/view/4853685/?tfa_dbWorkflowId=5062&tfa_dbWorkflowStep=0&tfa_dbWorkflowControl=693ec04a3f687ed26dd2fb790c40884c&id=a1b5w00000DvaI6&eid=

The Los Angeles County Bar Association has also asked Andrew H. Friedman and Tony Oncidi of Proskauer to reprise their famous “Annual Review of Employment Cases” for the Labor and Employment Law Section. That presentation will take place on March 15, 2022. As soon as more information about this presentation becomes available, it will be posted here.

2023-06-22T07:22:48-08:00December 16th, 2021|Andrew Friedman, speaking engagements|Comments Off on Annual Review of Employment Cases Speaking Engagements

Speaking Engagements for Helmer Friedman LLP

Five Bar Organizations Ask Helmer Friedman LLP Attorneys To Speak At Various Seminars In Early 2022.

Helmer Friedman LLP is very pleased to announce that five different bar organizations have requested that the law firm provide speakers at various legal education seminars taking place in early 2022.

2022 Employment Law Speaking Engagements Topics Include Ethics and Bias

The California Lawyers Association has asked Andrew H. Friedman and Samson Spiegelman to speak at the Labor and Employment Law Section’s virtual 2022 New Employment Practitioner Conference which will take place on Thursday and Friday, January 20-21, 2022.  Mr. Spiegelman will be speaking on the panel “Gathering, Evaluating, Preserving, and Presenting Evidence in a Virtual World” at noon on Thursday, January 20, 2022.

Gathering, evaluating, preserving, and presenting evidence - New Law Practitioners.

Mr. Friedman will be moderating the Ethics and Bias panel at noon on Friday, January 21, 2022, along with Judge Michael Marcus (Ret.), Dalisai Nisperos (In-House Employment Counsel at Patagonia Inc.), and Dolores Y. Leal (a partner with Allred, Maroko & Goldberg). For more information about this Conference and to register, go to https://pheedloop.com/NewEmploymentPractitioner22/site/home/.

2021-12-17T12:18:49-08:00December 16th, 2021|Andrew Friedman, Samson Spiegelman, speaking engagements|Comments Off on Speaking Engagements for Helmer Friedman LLP

Gregory D. Helmer Named Lawdragon Top 500 Plaintiff Employment & Civil Rights Attorneys

LAWDRAGON Names Gregory D. Helmer To Its List Of The Nation’s Top 500 Plaintiff Employment & Civil Rights Attorneys


November 16, 2021 – America has tens of thousands of lawyers representing union members, employees, executives. Out of that number, LAWDRAGON, a legal media company publishing online guides to the nation’s leading lawyers, named Gregory D. Helmer of Helmer Friedman LLP to its list of the Nation’s 500 leading plaintiff employment and civil rights attorneys. “I am honored to be included again on LAWDRAGON’s list of the country’s leading plaintiff employment and civil rights lawyers,” Gregory D. Helmer commented upon learning of his inclusion on LAWDRAGON’s list of top employment/civil rights attorneys. To view all of the attorneys on LAWDRAGON’s list, please visit https://www.lawdragon.com/guides/2021-09-22-the-2021-lawdragon-500-leading-plaintiff-employment-civil-rights-lawyers

2021-11-19T16:36:03-08:00November 16th, 2021|employment law|Comments Off on Gregory D. Helmer Named Lawdragon Top 500 Plaintiff Employment & Civil Rights Attorneys

Mott MacDonald, Daniel Tempelis Sued for Discrimination

Lawsuit Accuses Mott MacDonald Family of Companies and Daniel Tempelis of Age, Disability, Race & National Origin Discrimination, Wrongful Termination, and Other Unlawful Behavior


Helmer Friedman LLP Represents Former Mott MacDonald Employee Accusing the Mott MacDonald Family of Companies of Illegal Employment Practices

October 26, 2021 (Los Angeles, California)Andrew H. Friedman of Helmer Friedman LLP, announced today the filing of a lawsuit against the Mott MacDonald Family of companies – Mott MacDonald Holdings, Inc., Mott MacDonald Group, Inc., and Mott MacDonald, Inc.

California law is clear: it is illegal for employers to fire, demote or otherwise retaliate against an employee because of that employee’s age, race or national origin or because that employee complains about unlawful activity.

The lawsuit, Abbas Sizar v. Mott MacDonald Holdings, Inc., Mott MacDonald Group, Inc., and Mott MacDonald, Inc. (Los Angeles Superior Court Case No. 21STCV39343), alleges that the Mott MacDonald defendants, in violation of California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act and Labor Code, discriminated against, harassed, and retaliated against Mr. Sizar, among other claims. More specifically, the lawsuit alleges that the Mott MacDonald defendants fired Mr. Sizar and other non-white and older employees and replaced them with younger less experienced, and less qualified white males.

Speaking about the lawsuit, Mr. Sizar’s attorney, Andrew H. Friedman of Helmer Friedman LLP, stated, “California law is clear: it is illegal for employers to fire, demote or otherwise retaliate against an employee because of that employee’s age, race or national origin or because that employee complains about unlawful activity.”

If you are a witness or have information that would be relevant to the claims of Mr. Sizar or wish to know more about the lawsuit, please contact Andrew H. Friedman (at 310-396-7714 x. 106 or afriedman@helmerfriedman.com).

Helmer Friedman LLP, a Beverly Hills, California-based law firm, is dedicated to assisting people with a wide array of legal problems. The law firm was founded in order to provide its clients (people; not corporations) with the type of world-class legal representation frequently offered by large corporate law firms to large corporations in a more personalized and less formal environment.

Helmer Friedman LLP is a leader in providing clients with legal representation across a wide spectrum of practice areas, including all aspects of employment law, consumer fraud and protection, product liability, false advertising, catastrophic personal injury, and wrongful death, civil rights violations, antitrust, privacy violations, nursing home neglect, and elder abuse, housing violations, defamation, medical malpractice, sexual harassment by doctors and other types of professionals, entertainment and sports representation.


2024-10-29T10:47:04-08:00October 26th, 2021|Case Update, employment law, Front Page News|Comments Off on Mott MacDonald, Daniel Tempelis Sued for Discrimination

Andrew H. Friedman Named Lawdragon Top 500 Plaintiff Employment & Civil Rights Attorneys

LAWDRAGON Names Andrew H. Friedman To Its List Of The Nation’s Top 500 Plaintiff Employment & Civil Rights Attorneys


October 22, 2021 – America has tens of thousands of lawyers representing union members, employees, executives. Out of that number, LAWDRAGON, a legal media company publishing online guides to the nation’s leading lawyers, named Andrew H. Friedman of Helmer Friedman LLP to its list of the Nation’s 500 leading plaintiff employment and civil rights attorneys. “I am extremely honored to once again be included on LAWDRAGON’s list of the country’s leading plaintiff employment and civil rights lawyers,” Andrew H. Friedman commented upon learning of his inclusion on LAWDRAGON’s list of top employment/civil rights attorneys. To view all of the attorneys on LAWDRAGON’s list, please visit https://www.lawdragon.com/guides/2021-09-22-the-2021-lawdragon-500-leading-plaintiff-employment-civil-rights-lawyers

2021-10-22T14:00:39-08:00October 22nd, 2021|employment law|Comments Off on Andrew H. Friedman Named Lawdragon Top 500 Plaintiff Employment & Civil Rights Attorneys

Superior Court Boot Camp

Andrew H. Friedman to Speak at 16th Annual Superior Court Boot Camp

October 5 & 7, 2021Andrew H. Friedman will be speaking at the 16th Annual Superior Court Boot Camp, presented by Pincus Professional Education. Mr. Friedman will be speaking along side multiple Superior Court judges including: the Hon. Delbert C. Gee, the Hon. Harold W. Hopp, the Hon. Kira L. Klatchko, the Hon. Laura A. Seigle, the Hon. Helen E. Williams, and the Hon. James P. Kleinberg (Ret.). Also speaking with Mr. Friedman will be many preeminent plaintiff and defendant employment attorneys including: John L. Barber (Lewis Brisbois), Christopher Frost (Eisner LLP), Angel James Horacek (Law Offices of Angel J. Horacek, P.C.), Jiyun Cameron Lee (Folger Levin LLP), Mythily Sivarajah (Peck-Law), Barbara R. Adams (Scali Rasmussen), and Helmer Friedman LLP’s own Courtney Abrams.

This practical, two part webinar will cover a wide range of litigation topics – from pleadings, discovery, depositions and motions to your CMC and pre-trial obligations and juries. Attendees will also get advice regarding trial, preserving the record, judgements and post-trial motions.

The program organizer, Pincus Pro Ed, has created a 10% off “Friend of the Speaker” discount for speakers to pass along. This discount code is FOSSUPCT10. Feel free to pass along the program information and discount to any colleagues who may be interested in the program. They provide additional discounts for law firms sending four or more attorneys. To register for the event, or to pre-order the recording, please visit the Pincus website – https://new.pincusproed.com/product/16th-annual-superior-court-boot-camp-the-nuts-and-bolts-ca-two-part-webinar/.

Here is an overview of what will be covered. Both sessions run from 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time.

Program Topics Include:

Part 1: Tuesday, October 5th

The Early Stuff

  • Case Strategies
  • Complaints and Answers
  • Demurrers
  • Case Management Conference

Discovery and E-Discovery

  • Rules, timelines, options and advice

Depositions in State Court

  • Rules, strategies & timelines
  • Who do you depose?
  • Mistakes to avoid
  • Making effective use at trial

Drafting and Replying to the MSJ

  • How do you convince the judge?
  • Common mistakes not to make
  • Strategies, advice and approaches to:
    • The brief
    • The response
    • The reply

Part 2: Thursday, October 7th

  • Oral Argument
  • Pre-trial Settlement Procedures and Advice
  • Heading to Trial Tasks
  • Additional Motions
    • Ex parte
    • Continuances
    • Reconsideration
    • Sanctions

Jury Selection, Jury Instructions, Jury Verdict Forms

Your Trial

  • Evidence
  • Direct and Cross-Examinations of Lay and Expert Witnesses
  • Preserving the Record for Appeal, Post-Trial Motions and Judgments
  • Final Advice from the Bench

If you have any questions, please contact Pincus Pro Ed at info@pincusproed.com or 877-858-3848.

This program is approved for 7.5 units of CLE credit in California.

2021-08-12T11:45:40-08:00August 12th, 2021|Andrew Friedman|Comments Off on Superior Court Boot Camp

California Employment Law

Andrew H. Friedman Authors Article For The California Labor & Employment Law Review

July 15, 2021Helmer Friedman LLP is proud to announce that the California Labor & Employment Law Review recently published an article authored by Andrew H. Friedman. Entitled California Employment Law Notes, the article highlights several new employment law cases that were decided in early 2021. The article can be read here.

2021-07-15T11:08:32-08:00July 15th, 2021|employment law publications|Comments Off on California Employment Law

Intersection of Social Media and Employment Law

Andrew H. Friedman and Cynthia Flynn to Speak about the Intersection of Social Media and Employment Law

On August 18, 2021, Andrew H. Friedman of Helmer Friedman LLP and Cynthia Hackler Flynn of Hackler Flynn & Associates will discuss/debate the rights of employees and employers regarding social media posts including what they need to know about employer accessing, monitoring and disciplining employees for Facebook and other social media posts, discovery of social media posts in litigation, and how the National Labor Relations Act applies to politically charged conduct. For more information and/or to register, please click here https://calawyers.org/event/webinar-when-social-media-and-employment-law-collide/

2021-05-17T10:08:13-08:00May 17th, 2021|Andrew Friedman, employment law, speaking engagements|Comments Off on Intersection of Social Media and Employment Law

Labor and Employment Law Section Annual Meeting

Andrew H. Friedman and Tony Oncidi to Speak at CLA’s 37th Labor And Employment Law Section Annual Meeting

Sexual Harassment Case Christian v. Umpqua BankOn July 15, 2021, Andrew H. Friedman of Helmer Friedman LLP and Tony Oncidi of Proskauer Rose LLP will reprise their annual update on employment law for the Labor and Employment Law Section of the California Lawyers Association. During their presentation, Mr. Friedman and Mr. Oncidi will cover the top employment law cases from the past year, with an emphasis on the cases of greatest utility to employment law practitioners. For more information and/or to register, please click here https://calawyers.org/event/37th-labor-and-employment-law-section-annual-meeting/

2024-05-13T10:01:54-08:00May 17th, 2021|Andrew Friedman, employment law, speaking engagements|Comments Off on Labor and Employment Law Section Annual Meeting

The Advocate Magazine Publishes Article Authored By Samson B. Spiegelman & Andrew H. Friedman

Best and Worst Employment Cases of 2020

The Advocate Publishes Best / Worst Employement Cases of 2020.

May 2021 – Helmer Friedman LLP is very pleased to announce that the May 2021 Advocate Magazine, a journal of the Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles, contains an article written by Helmer Friedman LLP attorneys Samson B. Spiegelman and Andrew H. FriedmanThe best and worst employment developments of 2020. The article can be viewed here.

2024-09-18T12:14:53-08:00May 17th, 2021|Andrew Friedman, employment law, employment law publications, Samson Spiegelman|Comments Off on The Advocate Magazine Publishes Article Authored By Samson B. Spiegelman & Andrew H. Friedman
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